Photo Radar cameras produce a strong flash that is reflected by PhotoStopper's spray coating on your license plate. The resulting captured glare makes the picture unreadable!
Try it today & prevent your next ticket ...

Third Party Reviews
Does it really work? Don't take our word for it. See unbiased third party reviews done by FOX, CityTV & CTV News.
FOX News tests with an actual Photo Radar vehicle. They go on to suggest that you should use a spray & not a plastic plate cover. See the video for the reason why! MORE NEWS REVIEWS

1. Remove license plate and place on a flat surface.
2. Clean and dry license plate.
3. Spray in smooth even strokes until plate is saturated.
4. Wait about 20 minutes for plate to dry.
5. Repeat 3-4 times until plate has a nice glossy shine.
However, if one application of Photostopper prevents even one ticket then it has
more than paid for itself! For Best Results, please re-apply yearly.
What you should know...
Photostopper is 99% effective & helps prevent tickets with flash-based photo radar:
Red Light Cameras, Diamond (Bus) Lane Cameras & Undercover Photo Radar Vehicles.
If the system does not use a flash or the flash does not reach your plate (weak flash),
your plate may be accurately captured.